
About R

R is a popular, free programming language focused specifically on statistical computation and visualization.1 It is a compromise between languages that require expert coding skills and statistical knowledge and commercial software packages with graphical user interfaces and proprietary models.2 As such, it has a thriving user community with over 6700 contributed packages – including the popular Hadleyverse tidyverse.

Goals of the tutorial

This tutorial is for people who have never used R before. It is designed to get you familiar with R syntax, basic operations, basic data structures, and basic data objects. By the end of this, you will hopefully:

  1. Have R and RStudio installed (also the deSolve package)
  2. Know how to create and index different data objects
  3. Be familiar with common R commands
  4. Import data
  5. Plot histograms, densities, lines, and points

With these basics down, creating models and solving ODEs in R will be much easier.


Installing R and RStudio

By now, you should have already installed both R and RStudio. If not, Swirl has a great page on how to do so. I suggest you go there and follow Steps 1 and 2, but the short of it is this:

  1. Install R from CRAN. Go to the CRAN website and download the version of R for your operating system.
    • macOS and Windows users should use the precompiled links at the top of the page. Linux users should check their package manager.
  2. Install RStudio IDE. Go to the RStudio website and download the free version of RStudio Desktop that is appropriate for your operating system.
    • NOTE: Make sure you’ve installed R from Step 1 first.
    • While R itself is a programming language with a very basic command-line interface, RStudio allows you to modify, visualize, and run your R code in a unified, user-friendly interface. It is not strictly necessary, but it is highly recommended.3

Using RStudio

Now let’s open RStudio and take a look around. It should look something like this.


In the upper left is the source pane where you will be writing your code.


In the lower left is the console pane where you will run code and see output.


On the lower right is a set of peripheral tabs: where your help, plots, etc. will show up.


Upper right will have environmental things – objects you store during your session.


The key to using RStudio is to organize things into “Projects”. A project is just a folder on your computer that will contain all your code as well as metadata (for example, a history of your commands will be saved even when you close the program), and any objects you had in the environment. You can create new projects, open projects, and check which project you are currently in by looking in the upper right.

Installing packages

For the class, we will need the deSolve package. To install it, open RStudio and run this code:


Here, install.packages() is a function4 that will – you guessed it, install the package deSolve. While optional, you should probably also install tidyverse which is a set of popular R packages commonly used in data analysis. Try it on your own.5

Useful info before we get started

Getting R help

Inevitably, you’ll need help. Google and StackOverflow are your best friends. When searching, it is often more efficient to add “cran”, “stats”, “rstats”, or “solved” to your query for more relevant results.

To get built-in help, you can use the ?, ??, or help() functions. For example, if you wanted help on the plot() function:


You could also use ??plot or help(plot). The ?? is a more general search function and the help() command is useful when searching for symbols – for example, try help('?').

If you need more help, definitely use Canvas discussion board, office hours, or email me.

Comments in code

Throughout the course, I will try to comment as much of the code as possible to help you see what is going on and where you can modify your models. To use comments in your code, use the # symbol to ignore the rest of the line.

# This is a comment and R will ignore this.
# pi is an object so R will print its value.

cos(pi)   # R will output this command
# but then ignore the rest of the line.


Unlike some programming languages, R is case-sensitive. A variable named x is not the same as a variable named X. When following along below, be careful of this.

Getting started in R

Let’s just quickly get used typing in and reading output in RStudio. Throughout this section, I will give you code. You should try typing it in yourself (not copying and pasting) and verifying it works as you expect.

Assignment and variables

In R, we use <- to assign something from the right side of the arrow to the left.6 In RStudioyou can use ALT+— as a shortcut. For example x <- 5 assigns the value 5 to the variable x.7

You can use almost anything as a variable name as long as it starts with a letter and only contains alphanumeric characters and _ or .. For example, pi is a variable in R. Type pi or print(pi) to see for yourself. Then assign the value pi * 1^2 to the variable area.

Sidenote about naming things

Note that R will let you overwrite built-in objects, but you really shouldn’t. For example, list() and c() are two very common functions. Don’t name things list or c. In general, object names should be lowercase with an underscore to separate words. You want names to be short but meaningful. See this R styleguide for more.

Data types

There are six data types in R but we only care about 4:

  1. logical - Boolean values, e.g., TRUE or FALSE
  2. numeric - decimal (floating point) values, e.g., 2.6 or 1.0
  3. integer - whole numbers, e.g., 3, or -1
  4. character - strings, e.g., ‘infected’

To see the data type of an object just use typeof():

one_to_five <- 1:5      ## the colon generates an integer sequence start:finish
typeof(one_to_five)     ## Returns `integer` which is a numeric type

true_true <- c(TRUE, TRUE)
typeof(true_true)       ## Returns `logical`
false_false_true <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)

typeof(pi)              ## Returns `double` another numeric type
typeof('pi')            ## Returns `character` because of the quotations

Data objects

You can store these data types into objects or collections:

  1. vector - a \(1\)-dimensional array of the same type.
    • Use c() to create a vector
    • For example: sentence <- c("this", "is", "an", "array", "of", "characters")
    • Mixing data types coerces all elements inside the vector to the most flexible type.
    • For example, strings <- c(1, 2.3, 5, '6') becomes a vector of characters.
  2. list - A container that can have anything else (including another list) as an element.
    • multi_list <- list(c(1, 2, 3), pi, 'string', list(10, 1i))
    • Unlike a vector, lists can have different data types in the same object.
  3. matrix - a \(2\)-dimensional array of the same type
    • Think of a matrix as vectors of equal length combined together.
    • Like a vector, if you mix data types, it will coerce everything into the most flexible type.
    • neo <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), nrow = 3, ncol = 2) will create a \(3 x 2\) matrix (columns first) of integers.
    • not_neo <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'six'), nrow = 3, ncol = 2) will create a matrix of characters because 'six' is a string.
  4. dataframe - a \(2\)-dimensional array where each column is of the same type
    • This is the tabular data format we are most used to – each column represents a variable and is of the same type but not all columns need to be of the same type.
    • neo_df <- will convert our matrix into a dataframe
    • print(neo_df) will show you the dataframe with column names V1 and V2.
  5. array - an \(n\)-dimensional version of a matrix. We probably won’t use it much, but it’s good to know it exists.


Indexing \(1\)-dimensional objects

There are several ways to extract an element from an object. The easiest is to use brackets ([]). For example, sentence[1] will return the first element of the object sentence we created above.

# returns: [1] "this"

You can get multiple elements by creating a vector of indices. For example, c(1, 6) will create a vector of two elements – 1 and 6. You can then use this vector as indices for another object.

sentence[c(1, 6)]
# returns: [1] "this"       "characters"

Hint: You can quickly create a sequence of integers by using the : (colon). Try typing 1:3 in your console. Then use this method to index the first three element strings.

Indexing with booleans

You can use TRUE and FALSE to index a vector. For example, sentence[c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)].

Indexing \(2\)-dimensional objects

Similarly, you can index an element from a matrix by specifying the rows and the columns, separated by a comma.

neo[1, 2]
# return `3` which is the element from the first row and second column

neo[c(2, 3), c(1, 2)]  # what does this return?

For dataframes, you can use the above method, or you can refer to the variable (column) name with the $ symbol, or by using strings around the column name.

# return `3` which is the element from the first row and second variable

neo_df[1, 'V2'] # Same as above

Note that when passing a single index, matrices and dataframes behave different. Try typing neo_df[2] and comparing it to neo[2].

Indexing a list

Because lists can contain other sublists (which can contain subsublists), lists are indexed using layers. The double bracket [[]] will index the first object and you can then use single brackets as you would above.

# return `3` third element from the first element of the list

# returns the entire first element (1, 2, 3)

Which index of multi_list will return 1i?

Note about expressions

All operators in R are the standard functions. Adding, substracting, multiplying, and dividing are the usual +, -, *, / operators. However, R is vectorized so operators act on vectors in a way that may not always be intuitive.

  • scalar / scalar - 5 * 4 will return 20 as expected.
  • scalar / vector - 5 * c(4, 5, 6) multiplies the entire vector by 5 to return 20, 25, 30 as expected.
  • vector / vector (equal length) - c(1, 2, 3) * c(4, 5, 6) will perform element-wise multiplication.
  • vector / vector (multiple length) c(1, 2) * c(3, 4, 5, 6) will perform element-wise multiplication for the length of the first vector and then repeat. Try it to see what happens.

You cannot multiple two vectors unless the length of the shorter one is a multiple of the longer one.

To see all arithmetic operators, type help('+').

Common commands

These are common R commands you will use throughout the course. Try them or use help() to learn more.

  • <- assign the value on the right side to the object on the left side, e.g., x <- 5
  • seq() - create a sequence of numbers by a specified step length, e.g., seq(0, 1, by = .01) creates a vector \([0, .01, .02, .03 ... .99, 1]\).
  • : - create a sequence of integers from start:end, e.g., -2:2
  • c() - concatenate objects together, e.g., c(1:5, 6:10)
  • cbind() - combine two vectors as columns, i.e., side by side, cbind(1:5, 6:10)
  • rbind() - combine two vectors as rows, i.e., one on top of the other, rbind(1:5, 6:10)
  • list() - create a list of elements, e.g., list(1:5, 6:10, list(c(1:5, 6:10)))
  • library() - load a package, e.g., library(deSolve)
  • !, &, | - logical operators not, and, and or respectively
  • str() - tells you the structure of an object
  • summary() - summarize an object

Read in a csv file

In the “Data Sets” folder on the Canvas site, download the play_data.csv file.

The “hard” way

Use the read.csv() command to save the file to a variable. For example:

df <- read.csv('./play_data.csv')

# Outputs:
# 'data.frame': 11 obs. of  8 variables:
# $ x1: int  10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 ...
# $ x2: int  10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 ...
# $ x3: int  10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 ...
# $ x4: int  8 8 8 8 8 8 8 19 8 8 ...
# $ y1: num  8.04 6.95 7.58 8.81 8.33 ...
# $ y2: num  9.14 8.14 8.74 8.77 9.26 8.1 6.13 3.1 9.13 7.26 ...
# $ y3: num  7.46 6.77 12.74 7.11 7.81 ...
# $ y4: num  6.58 5.76 7.71 8.84 8.47 7.04 5.25 12.5 5.56 7.91 ...


Obviously, change the file path to where the file is on your computer. (Keep the name df though.)

The easy way

The easiest way to import data is to use the RStudio import dialog under File > Import Dataset > From CSV. Locate the file and RStudio will try to correctly parse the file for you. You can also see the command it uses in the Code Preview section of the dialog box. Don’t forget to change the name to df.

Basic plotting


The most basic plotting function in R is plot(x, y), which takes at least two arguments – one for the x data points and one for a vector (of equal length) for the y data points.

For example, to plot the x1 and y1 columns frmo the df dataframe, we use:

plot(df$x1, df$y1)

Try plotting one of the other three sets of coordinates.

Of course, plot() has many other arguments. For example, we could specify a different type of plot with the type argument. We could also specify a different title (main), x and y axis labels with xlab and ylab, respectively, and color with col.

plot(df$x1, df$y1, 
     type = 'l', 
     main = 'Anscombe 1', xlab = 'X', ylab = 'Y', 
     col = 'blue')

Here, the l argument corresponds to “line” – unfortunately, it doesn’t make much sense with our current data. The default is p for “points”. See ?plot for more options.

plot(df$x1, df$y1, 
     type = 'p', 
     main = 'Anscombe 1', xlab = 'X', ylab = 'Y', 
     col = 'red', 
     xlim = c(0, 14), ylim = c(0, 11))

It is often useful to change the limits on the x and y axes. You can do so with xlim and ylim, respectively. Each argument takes a \(2\)-element vector with the first being the lower limit and the second being the upper limit.

While, plot() will initiate a new plot, sometimes, you just want to add data to an existing plot. You can add lines with lines() and points with points(). For example:

plot(df$x1, df$y1, 
     type = 'p', 
     main = "Anscombe's Quartet", xlab = 'X', ylab = 'Y', 
     col = 'red', 
     xlim = c(3, 14), ylim = c(2, 11))

points(df$x2, df$y2, col = 'blue')
points(df$x3, df$y3, col = 'green')
points(df$x4, df$y4, col = 'black')

abline(lm(df$y1 ~ df$x1), col = 'red')

Plotting histograms

You can also plot histograms and densities in R. Let’s use rnorm() randomly draw from the normal distribution.

standard_normal <- rnorm(10000, mean = 0, sd = 1)



Other resources

RStudio has a great set of cheatsheets that are useful when first learning.

R is a super powerful language and this tutorial only provides the tiny sliver you’ll need for this class. There are a ton of online resources to learn more about R:


  1. Yes, there are other similar free programming languages such as Python, but we prefer the packages R has readily-available for solving and plotting ODEs.

  2. See this Nature article for more.

  3. Seriously. Don’t be like Professor Buckee – install RStudio.

  4. In fact, whenever you see parenthesis in the code, it is a function. Code without parentheses are usually objects.

  5. You can also install packages by clicking on the “Install” button in the Packages tab of the peripheral (lower right) pane.

  6. Technically, you can use a right assignment (e.g., 5 -> x), equals (e.g., x = 5), or global left/right assignment (e.g., x <<- 5). For this class, you should always use <- or =.

  7. Note that <- is just a convenient shortcut for the function assign(). See help(assign) for more.