class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Causal Inference for Data Science ## ITAM Short Workshop ### Zhe Zhang, Mathew Kiang, Monica Alexander ### March 16, 2017 --- name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # Impact of Information on Markets - "The Digital Provide: Information (Technology), Market Performance, and Welfare in the South Indian Fisheries Sector" (Robert Jensen, QJE 2007) - Special: - entry of cell phones is arguably exogenous to the fisherman and the fish markets - usual studies of impact of cell phones is macroeconomic and difficult to tease out cause and effect - important to look at the impact of information enabled by technology   --- # Impact of Additional Education?  --- # Amazon Q&A Impact - Newegg, etc. - Imagine you work at Amazon - Product specific controls by comparing two platforms (one with Q&A, one without) - Scraped the data, comparing the sales ranks, controls - Have to argue that Platform 2 & Amazon have similar time trends (e.g. what about Amazon sales being all on the first day and dropping off after that, while Platform 2 is stable) and track each other similarly - Using video games, they can identify "new" product entries and measure uniqueness across platforms. --- # Michael Luca - impact of quality disclosure and rankings? - impact of Yelp reviews? --- # Wikipedia Effect? - What is effect of Wikipedia? Hard Question; Georgia Tech econ on translation variety --- # AirBnB in Austin --- # Impact of Yelp in Seattle --- # Diff in Diff on Impact of Fake Hotel Reviews - initial consistent difference between TripAdvisors and Expedia - use 2nd variation on nearby value of independent hotels --- # Reddit Random Voting (Science paper, Muchnik et al 2013) Effects, very diverse Do we believe it though? It's not clear that down-voting can be triggered though. Also upvotes affect the chance a posting is viewed, difficult. --- # Marketplace RCTs Testing treatment groups can affect availability for the other control group Or affecting only a portion of a seller's categories of goods --- # Sources - Cameron & Triveti textbook - Mostly Harmless Econometrics - Osea Giuntella, slides